Tuesday, August 30, 2011

So how did the birthday go, you ask?

I think Sunshine's birthday went pretty well. :) She decided that she wanted to go out to eat at Five Guys restaurant. We all love a good hamburger and Five Guys has some great ones! Of course, with the amount of fries you get, we ended up splitting one order of them between the four of us. Yeah, they really load you up on those fries. Lol.
Afterwards, Sunshine decided she wanted to go get some frozen yogurt. So off we went to Makadoo's Fresh Yogurt & Treats. It's one of those places where you get to pile on whatever toppings you want that are available from the canisters on the wall. Yummy! Although, when eating the frozen yogurt, I can't help but think I am nullifying any healthy possibilities when I put sweets on top. :/ Oh well.
For her birthday, Sunshine got a cake made of cupcakes. It is shaped into a camera, since she loves photography. The icing is plentiful and it's very rich! One cupcake will make you grab for that glass of milk on the spot.
All in all, I think she was happy with how it turned out. It was nice for all of us to get out and relax for a bit. With school starting and Sunshine just getting settled in, things have been a little chaotic here.

Friday, August 26, 2011

Happy birthday to....wait a minute...

First off, I would like to say HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my daughter "Sunshine". She just turned 19 years old. Nineteen years ago, I gave birth to her. Nineteen years ago, she was just a small itty-bitty baby. Nineteen years ago, I was nineteen years younger. Wow how time flies!
As I was contemplating on just how her birthday was going to go as far as I was concerned, thoughts just started flooding my mind. I know I'm not the only one that starts thinking one thing, then another thought enters, which proceeds to a new thought. In no time at all, I was having my own little conversation inside my head. You're like that too, right? Right? I'm not weird am I? Lol. So anyhow, for some reason I just started thinking about the whole birthday deal. Here is a day that children are given presents, cake, and maybe even balloons. They are sung to, and the day is set aside for them. Now, I know this is customary. I've celebrated each of my children's birthdays, if possible. I'm not dropping the ball on this one either, however that conversation in my head brought up a lot of thoughts. Why do we give presents and a cake every year to the child that was born? Yes, I'm glad I had my kids. I love them to death, but what did they do? I mean really? What did I do to have mine celebrated? Nothing. My mom did. I was just there. So, why should I get anything? Are we really a society that thinks, "Hey, give me presents for just being born!" It's the moms out there that went through the nine months of pregnancy. The mothers are the ones that rushed to the hospital and endured labor pains, and it's the moms that had to be sewn back together after the birth. So, in looking at the "whole" BIRTHday, what do the kids do to deserve presents and cake EVERY year? Now, I know we have a day for mothers. Mother's Day is celebrated every 2nd Sunday in May. I'm just talking about BIRTHdays, the day of BIRTH.
Like I said, I'm not skipping out on this birthday. I guess I just started over-analyzing exactly what this day is about. Lol.

Monday, August 15, 2011

I feel pretty...oh so pretty...

I have gotten a bit side-tracked lately with my daughter just moving in. We've been doing things here and there. It's fun having her back around me. :) Did I say that she is in photography? Well, Sunshine has been working on her photography for awhile now and so the other day she took some photos of me.

We decided that we would go to the stream that is just behind my backyard. It's close and it worked. Lol. I've never really liked having my picture taken, but it was actually pretty fun! I see one of the reasons why her clients love her so much. She has that ability to make you feel at ease even though the camera is pointed right at you. We were being silly (of course) and she would just tell me where and how to pose. Sunshine asked me to actually SIT in the water. I wasn't too sure I wanted to sit in cold water with a dress on and get all those lower regions wet, but I did. The sad thing about that.....she didn't like how those photos turned out and deleted them. So, cold bum for nothing. Lol. Oh well.

The whole thing didn't take long at all and we headed back to the house. I waited patiently (ok maybe not real patiently) for the photos to be processed and put up for me to view. When I finally saw them, I was super happy!!

Here are some of the ones Sunshine took of me. :)

I think she did a fabulous job and I'm hoping that we can go back out later and have her take a bit more of me, my hubby and I together, my son....... Lol

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Home again, home again, jiggity-jig

This past weekend, brought my daughter back into our house to live with us for a bit. She(we'll call her Sunshine) had been living in the town we moved from and decided to start a life in the town we now reside in.

On Sunday, my hubby and son(Charmer) drove down and rented a U-Haul in order to help Sunshine get all her stuff here. I had no idea that my daughter had accumulated so much stuff! I mean seriously, she has a ton! Do some people become magnets to various things and just attract them? How can someone that is only 18 years old have THAT much??? With a U-Haul and two cars full, they made their way to our home.

The next dilemma? Where is ALL that stuff going? Yeah, I don't know. I do know that right now her room is almost impossible to walk into. Clothes are strewn all across the floor and there are still more boxes to be unpacked. Oh, and the extra icing on the cake? Sunshine brought a kitten with her. I know I haven't mentioned this before, but we have two full grown retrievers that are totally spoiled and totally rule our home. This has been interesting to say the least. I will say, there are times that I've gone into her room and can't find the kitten amongst all the other items packed in there.

I love having Sunshine back with me. Her and I used to be really close and I'm hoping that we will be once again. Though I have to admit, once a child experiences independence it is often a bit stressful for all parties involved, when they come back home. I'll keep my fingers crossed and hope for the best! I could probably use some prayers or blessings, if any of you have some to spare. LOL :)

Saturday, August 6, 2011


I'm not a perky riser in the morning. I know, some people have the capability to jump out of bed feeling refreshed and ready to go. Not me. I need coffee, and time, and coffee. I just can't seem to feel like my brain functions without drinking at least 3/4 of my mug of coffee. I have however picked up on a bit of my mother's ability to "act" like I am somewhat composed and awake. This is totally fake. Lol.

So, this morning I awoke to my cell phone ringing. Groggily, I pushed the answer button and proceeded to ooze out whatever vocabulary I could muster. The person on the other end always seems to be much more awake than me. I tried to fake the perkiness but a little into the conversation, the caller let me know I sounded like I needed coffee. Guess I wasn't too convincing? Okay, let me get my coffee and then I'll get back in touch with you. For the moment, the conversation was paused. Ah, now to brew that fresh cup of warm delight.

After sipping most of my coffee down, I began to feel more confident in putting actual thoughts into a coherent discussion. I'm ready. Hello and good morning to you! :)

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Oh what a night...

We sat down last night to watch the movie "The Green Hornet". I wasn't too sure of this movie and hadn't really seen any previews or advertising for it. That to me is usually a red flag. If they don't promote it much, chances are it's not that good of a movie. Having Netflix, we opted to give it a try and added it to our queue. Was that a wise decision? Hmmmm.

About half way into the movie, our attention was caught by flashing lights coming from outside. We couldn't see exactly what it was, from the comfort of our sofa. The visual effect was displaying itself through the small spaces in between the slats of our blinds. So, we paused the movie and decided to check it out. Yes, we are very curious people. Isn't everyone? Lol.

As we opened the door and stepped outside, the sky was dancing with an amazing light show. What appeared to be heat lightning, was bursting in rapid succession. It was both beautiful and strange at the same time. I had never seen heat lightning so abundant and covering such a vast area. We sat outside and were in awe of nature's show. I wish I could have caught it on video but with the neighbors backyard lights on behind me, it just wasn't going to happen. The three of us enjoyed conversing about everything from space ships hidden in the clouds to manipulation of the weather by HAARP. To say the least, we got a bit side-tracked from the movie.

After some time had passed, we all went back inside and continued to watch the remainder of the movie. I'll have to say, it's not one that I would recommend to a friend. The guy who was the "Green Hornet" did not impress me at all. I was more impressed by his sidekick. Ending the night, I know the light show was more enjoyable than the movie.

Quickly packaging it back up to mail off, I hope that the next movie in our queue is better.