Friday, August 26, 2011

Happy birthday to....wait a minute...

First off, I would like to say HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my daughter "Sunshine". She just turned 19 years old. Nineteen years ago, I gave birth to her. Nineteen years ago, she was just a small itty-bitty baby. Nineteen years ago, I was nineteen years younger. Wow how time flies!
As I was contemplating on just how her birthday was going to go as far as I was concerned, thoughts just started flooding my mind. I know I'm not the only one that starts thinking one thing, then another thought enters, which proceeds to a new thought. In no time at all, I was having my own little conversation inside my head. You're like that too, right? Right? I'm not weird am I? Lol. So anyhow, for some reason I just started thinking about the whole birthday deal. Here is a day that children are given presents, cake, and maybe even balloons. They are sung to, and the day is set aside for them. Now, I know this is customary. I've celebrated each of my children's birthdays, if possible. I'm not dropping the ball on this one either, however that conversation in my head brought up a lot of thoughts. Why do we give presents and a cake every year to the child that was born? Yes, I'm glad I had my kids. I love them to death, but what did they do? I mean really? What did I do to have mine celebrated? Nothing. My mom did. I was just there. So, why should I get anything? Are we really a society that thinks, "Hey, give me presents for just being born!" It's the moms out there that went through the nine months of pregnancy. The mothers are the ones that rushed to the hospital and endured labor pains, and it's the moms that had to be sewn back together after the birth. So, in looking at the "whole" BIRTHday, what do the kids do to deserve presents and cake EVERY year? Now, I know we have a day for mothers. Mother's Day is celebrated every 2nd Sunday in May. I'm just talking about BIRTHdays, the day of BIRTH.
Like I said, I'm not skipping out on this birthday. I guess I just started over-analyzing exactly what this day is about. Lol.

1 comment:

  1. Interesting perspective. I think there are just a lot of things about motherhood that we just take in stride, quietly bearing our children's burdens so that they can live a happy, beautiful life. To me, that is more than compensation. But a little extra piece of cake on each of their birthdays would be something nice! :-) (My husband always acknowledges me on each of the kids' birthdays!)
    (second follower!!!)
